
teehee :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Scissors, meet my black skinnys >:D

So, I've been cutting up my clothes for a while now... without my mother knowing anything about it... she'd kill me. And, I came across a pair of black skinny jeans which have seem to have gotten a bit too tight. ;D or maybe Im just FAT again xD so, I think I'll just go cut em up into shorts so that I may actually bend over in them without the struggle or mooning people with my crack (tmi?). Since I'm a "tights" kind of girl, I do believe I will be wearing my black tights underneath, black combat boots, and a cool grungy tee... hmmm... i had better find my aviator shades if I wanna make this out fit work... OH! I should totally put some "accidental" tears in the shorts!! I'll take a pic whenever I have a chance-- I lost my USB cord for my camera, so now I have to put up money to get another ... but I'm broke. So! It's time to get a job KENYU (one of my many nicknames)

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