
teehee :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

One of the Downers About Summer...

Yes, summer may be fun and all, but just like everything else in this world, there are downers to the fun things in life. I'm sure I'm not the only one when I say my sleeping schedule is off track, because I can't be the only one. I'm serious! I feel like a vampire, which I think is pretty cool, but then again, it's exhausting because you sleep all day long until the sun goes down then awaken at night. The night time doesn't even last that long either, so it feels like I'm sleeping my whole life away, which I probably am. I think it's pretty normal to forget what day it is every now and then, but I honestly have no idea what day it has been for the past two weeks. I'm not even sure if it's even been two weeks. Yes, this is pretty sad, but it's true haha. It's not something I'm proud of considering the fact that school's about to start soon... if I can just figure out when it's about to start. I should probably ask my mom...
Besides my sleeping issue, in September two very important things are happening. One, my seventeenth birthday, and two, the My Chemical Romance and Blink-182 Honda Civic Tour. They're gonna be here, and I need to start preparing to look my best. I was thinking about taking two of my "notorious" friends so we can sneak into the backstage so that I may actually have a chance to meet Gerard Way. That may sound really funny; which it kinda does if you knew me, but it's gonna happen. I'm not sure how we'll do it, but it's gonna happen. Even if I don't meet him, I'll feel accomplished. All I really need is for him to see me; example. Say I'm being drug away from security... Gerard looks up because I'm screaming his name and he sees me. That's enough to say I've met the guy, because in a way, I did. His eyes met mine! Haha!! Btw, I didn't take those pictures, someone else did. :) Just thought I'd put that out there just in case...

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