
teehee :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Okay, I'm the type of girl who will take pictures of just about anything. Now, I have a friend who was taking pictures of another friend with my camera while the other guy was doing Park Core. For those of you who don't know what Park Core is, (I'm not even sure if I understand it all that well) it's something like a sport, I guess, and it's where you run all through a spacious place and do tricks off of walls, dumpsters, and just about anything else. I took a look at the pics, and surprisingly they weren't that bad. So I had to do a little "photo shoot" for myself and decided to get shots of him doing Park Core too. I got some pretty decent shots-- I was proud of myself. But, I have to thank that special person who inspired me to take those shots because I couldn't have done it without him. :] I hope you guys like the pictures-- they weren't easy to shoot since the guys run so friggin' fast >_< teehee :]

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