
teehee :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

A New Spiderman?

So, I've recently heard about a new Spiderman. He's Hispanic and African American; it's not something I'm complaining about... I just thought it'd be interesting to talk about.

So, for those of you who don't know... I love Spiderman. I love the comics, I love the movies, I love the whole thing. Now, since Spiderman is dead, they have a "rebirth" of spidey, I guess you could call it. So this new guy has both of his parents, as where Peter Parker didn't. I forgot his name though... all I remember is the last name, Morales. I think this would make a really cool movie; I'd love to see who would play him.

I honestly think that those of you who think this whole bi-racial spiderman sucks shouldn't read comics if you're not gonna be open to new ideas. I'd love to say I have a whole spiderman collection or a Marvel's Comic collection, but I don't. As a matter of fact, I've only owned three comics in my whole life and that was when I was much younger. But that doesn't mean I don't know a thing about comics, because I do. My favorite just so happens to be Spiderman, or the Amazing Spiderman. I'm always open to new ideas, and I think it's really cool to put a mixed guy out there. Although I do believe there shouldn't be much contraversy about it because it's just another comic idea. People should want to promote this because it says the author was clearly not racist. So all you bi-racial spidey haters, please think about that before you get all upset.

I know I jump from one point to the next, but that's because my brain thinks up too many things at once and by the time I'm done typing what I'm saying, I forget what I thought up before-- if that makes sense. Anywho, that was pretty much my point about this new Spiderman. I love the idea, and I can't wait until I get my first copy of this new Morales guy. :)

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