
teehee :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

I Couldn't Help But Comment.

So, I was just on Lola Leon's blog about Material Girls (Kelly Osbourn, Madonna, &Lola have created) and as if by fate, i chose a random blog and read about it... TURNS OUT she said My Chemical Romance is the best band or some shiz like that-- so knowing me, I had to comment, because I just love when I see MCR fans :DD especially if I admire that person-- p.s, i love her fashion very much. She's got A LOT of talent broskis, and I just thought I'd say that :D Oh, and if and WHEN I become famous, you can bet the second person I'll be meeting is Lola-- first person is Gerard Way, duh xDD (im listening to them right now.)Sometimes it's hard to believe she's two years younger than me =.= she looks so much older xDD

Any who, sometimes I kill myself about how much I talk about MCR. Maybe I am so psycho fan like my friends say (IM NOT xDD) I just really appreciate the music. And there are a lot of artists out there, but none measure up to MCR. Usually, when I hear a certain band, they either sound too much like another band I know of, but not these guys. And I know every band is different, but sometimes the sound sounds too much like something else. That's why I really appreciate this band. Now, not like anyone's following me, (but I know somewhere there is at least ONE person reading this) I know all I talk about is MCR. This I know, but if you asked me if I cared, I would say no, because they've helped me through a lot, and I guess you could say I see them as hero's. Which, in a way I do.

I saw this one movie called V for Vendetta for the first time a few days ago, and I only have one word for it. SHIZ KICKIN BALLS BRO! (dont judge me, that's one word in my dictionary) HAHAHA It was really amazing, I loved it. If it would come on TV again, it would really make my day. :] It may have been the fact that the guy was wearing a mask the whole movie that made me want to watch it over and over, or it could just be because I felt terribly bad for him. But I'm gonna go with choice A and B. :D
OH!!!! DUDE. School's about to start in a few days... IM EXCITED. I move a lot, and I'm moving schools again, so it'd be a whole new crowd of people and a whole new environment.
Okay, let me tell you my moving history. in the fifth grade, we moved-i moved schools, sixth grade we moved-i moved schools, ninth grade we moved-i moved schools, sophomore year we moved-i moved schools, junior year (present tense) we moved-now Im moving schools again. Look, I know how it may sound-- "your 17 and only going to the 11th grade?" WELL YES. TYVM. lol, i am. It's not because Im stupid or got held back or anything, its because in the state of texas if your birthdays at the beginning of september you have to start school one year late... which I did. :\ im not complaining though.. I've met some pretty awez-tastic peeps. <-- new word I just invented btw... NO ONE ELSE KNOWS ABOUT IT... (and probably never will since I'm the only one who reads my effing blogs) lmao x] so I guess it's like im talking to myself... does that mean Im skitzo? ;o i hope not x]

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