
teehee :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Consider it DONE.

There. I deleted all my other posts from my other blogs and posted them on here. ALSO, I noticed I actually had a COMMENT!!! I feel bad for deleting my blog (photography one) after someone had actually commented on it. But, what can I do? Hopefully, she'll comment on the picture again xDD it was the glass table one which btw is uber amazing so... :P!!! I also have a poem for you peoples out thuuur. :0 (btw, if you steal mah shizz, imma come after you with the LAW!!!) :D


Breathing heavy, lungs giving out

Racing images of the way you were found

Stop the tracks, take a break

Never looked back, but now it’s too late.

Keep it close, keep it sweet

I missed the times when you went deep

Into my thoughts, into my home

I never expected to be so alone.

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