
teehee :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

It Just Hit Me.

I had forgotten to talk about the movie who inspired me to be pretty... in Pink. HAHAH Just kidding, it didn't really make me want to wear pink... cause I was already wearing it, but it's just a really good movie (Pretty in Pink) with Molly Ringwald and John Cryer. Ahem, let mee just say, that movie was like a window to my love for the 80's. Honestly, before that, I was never really all that interested in anything lower than the 2000's... not even my own birthday! I sort of had a "crush" on Duckie (John Cryer's character) because he was so cute, and charming; favorite scene was when he was singing to Ottis Redding in the muisic store! That was so AW-dorable!! Hmm... I can't remember how long ago I've seen it... I've seen it more than once... CLEARLY! HAHAHAAA. I effing love that movie, not sure how it skipped my mind. Well, what brought it up is the "Do Something Awards" when I saw John Cryer and they said something about Pretty in Pink... then I got to thinkin... "Oh shizz... I forgot about that!!!!" So there you go. (: p.s. I still watch Two and a Half Men :D too bad for Charlie Sheen :\ but, like I always say, "What can I do?"

Also, this is only my opinion, but facebook has gotten really lame lately. There are so many times where I was so close to deleting my facebook account and calling it a night, but I never did for one reason only. That's the only way my friends can keep in contact with me since my MOTHER has vowed to never give me my phone back. So if I get hired at this one place, you can be sure that I'll be gettin mah phone... fo sho :]

There was something else I was gonna talk about... but it has totally skipped my mind... when I remember, I'll blog! (and you know I will because for some strange reason... this has become my life)

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