
teehee :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

What Keeps me Going...

Fall Out Boy has always been a big inspiration to me. I was torn when I found out the band split, because I was a fan. I admired Patrick's voice, and loved the music that followed. I was also a Pete Wentz "lover", so to know that I would most likely never see him with the band again kinda crushed me pretty bad. I still listen to FOB songs all the time, and use Patrick's voice as a substitute to a singing teacher; i guess you could call it that. You see, I've always had this "dream" since I was little that I'd be on stage one day and on your television. I still believe I will be and the more I train my voice, the closer I feel to my destination. Now, I know it'll take a lot of work to getting to where I want to be, but that's why I love doing what I do. There's no fun if there's no challenge-- that's what I always say.
And plus, I have one main reason now for becoming famous... can you guess what it is? I'll have a brighter chance of meeting Gerard Way; do you know how CRAZY that would be? Omfg, that'd be the biggest honor in the world because that man's a GENIUS. Many people think I'm crazy for obsessing over someone I don't even know, but that's not entirely true. I mean, yes, I don't know him like I would if I were his friend of sister, but I know him on a more... what's the word? Musical level, I guess? Lol, I'm not really sure on how to word that right, but hopefully you get my meaning. I know it's so cliche to say, "I understand his music," or, "He speaks to me because we can relate," but truth is, I don't understand his music nor can I 'relate' to him, because honestly... I'm not him nor have I been through all that he has. I don't know what he's seen, I don't know where he's been, and I don't know how he's felt other than what he describes in his songs. Here me out for a second, I know you're all probably wondering why I'm so in love with this guy, right? If I could answer that question, I would. I don't really have a "good" answer at the moment, but all I can say is, I love him for him. I love him because I don't think the fame has changed him. I love him because I love listening to his voice as he sings. I love him because he's Gerard Way. I love him because he doesn't seem to pretend to be something he's not. I love him because even though he's had a rough life all the way to now, he's never once denied his fans or made us feel like crap... not that I know of anyway hahaha. But, I could go on and on saying all the silly reasons why I love him, and why I admire him, and that still wouldn't explain why I'm in love with him. Before, I said, "I don't understand his music..." and, I know him more on a musical level. That may sound confusing, and it does to me, I'll be honest. But allow me to clear that up. When I say I understand him on a more musical level, I'm saying that his music will reach out to you even if you don't want to hear it; listen to the words and you'll find yourself bringing up some earlier emotions; meaning if you were pissed or depressed, My Chemical Romance finds a way to make it all better without doing much, and I find that impressive and just really amazing. So, I'm not saying I know him, but I know a bit about who he is from his music and I love that because it's like getting my own exclusive interview with him... through my head phones haha x] I'm not sure if any of that made sense to you, but if it did, I hope I cleared up the bit of confusion there might have been before. But besides the genius behind his music, allow me to state one more reason why I love him... (: GERARD WAY IS FRIGGIN' HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DD I've always said, "If only I was in high school when he was..." lmao xDD ohhh yeaaaaaaah haha
I seem to have gotten off of track... that always seems to happen when he becomes the topic of discussion. Any who, you'll be seeing me on TV very soon my friends... trust me, I promise. :]

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