
teehee :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Good Morning!

I sure do post a lot in this blog ahahaha, but that's what it's for, right??

Any who, I did a lot of "soul searching" last night xDD JUST KIDDING. hahaha, sad to say that I haven't really found myself yet, and when I do, you'll know... :]

But on a serious note, I just pulled another all nighter because of my "sleeping" problem. I might have said this already, but I think I may suffer from anxiety-- I'm serious. I don't really feel all that comfortable talking about it unless I know someone is listening (which no one is) so let's skip over that topic. (my mom just left for work and I had to pretend I had just woken up... I only have two hours before she returns because she's doing an extra shift or whatever.)

So, let's get down to business! You all know that one new song that just hit the world, Tonight, tonight by Hot Chelle Rae? Well, I effing love it! It's sorta The Story of My Life right now, and it just makes me happy :] Hmm, the guys are pretty hot... do I sense a new awesome band that I just might fall in love with? The dude with the black hair is pretty darn cute; I have a thing for guys with black hair ;D But enough of them for one night. Allow me to move on to my next topic without your consent (:

Okay, there is this show that I have been watching for about... 2-3 years now called Ghost Adventures, and it's just the best show ever! I love it because it's spooky and awesomely mind-blowing! If I weren't such a chicken, I'd probably beg the shit out of that show and have them take me on one of their adventures xDD ohh yeaah, I can be a pretty annoying begger once given the chance; but I'd never pester MCR... I don't want them thinking I'm a pest (CAUSE IM NOT!)... Off topic... any ways, as I was saying... PLUS! Watching the show has become entertaining because friggin' Zak Bagans is entertaining to watch! I mean, he's not EXTREMLEY "GERARD WAY" HOTT, but he's pretty cute-- so why wouldn't I continue to watch it?
And seriously... who couldn't resist that face??? HAHAHAHA (guy with the black hair btw)

While we're on the subject of "cute guys", let's talk about James Marsden!!! Now THAT guy is pretty EFFIN HOAWT!!! OKay?? Dude, seriously, he should effing marry me. Honestly, I've never been the brown hair blue eyes type, but this guy is the only EFFING exception. Got it? He's beautiful, and completely attractive, not to mention one hell of an actor! He's definately on my "To Meet" list xDD I can't even decide which picture to put up of him because they're all so GORGEOUS! But, since I love funny, cute, and adorable boys, I'll put up the pic that I think is the most adorable (: If you don't think this guy is breath taking, then you're high and I will probably punch you when you're sober. :] kay? Yeah bro, his wife is lucky... if he's married. I haven't really checked out his bio yet cause I'm not completely obsessed... yet... xDD
But I do know he's been in quite a few movies that I have seen, and even in Pretty Little Liars (: btw he made going out with a teacher seem really hott... as long as he's MY teacher... -wink wink- HAHAHAHA just kidding... =.=

Last but not least, I think I'm gonna get a hair cut I haven't had in quite a while. A lot of you may know it as "Nicki Minaj" bangs, or "Asian Girl" bangs, but I just prefer bangs xDD My sister said it frames my face more than my "Scene" bangs do (once again, I prefer bangs) so, I think I'm gonna go with my old bangs. Once I find my USB cord, I shall upload more picturas of MUAH! Until later on, Siyanara (sp?)!

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