
teehee :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Is There Even Hope? (Poem)

Rainbows are nothing cute, but a good

Excuse living on the “Gay” side of things.

Happiness is what I mean.

There is not peace, but war with the battle of Humanity.

Speechless when in the action

But you have a lot to say backstage.

I used to Save the world!

Now, I'm just saving myself

From unwanted memories and disasters

That should never be.

Now open your brown golden eyes Dear child

And smell defeat.

They won, you lost, accept it and move on.

But first, who won exactly, and what did you


Family, Friends, Loved Ones & all sanity is And will be forever Lost.

-Amadahy Kenya Khadeijah Owens

90's Music & Some Random Shizz...

Okay, so I was watching this show, and they were talking about the one hit wonders in the 90's. There were a few musics that I just so happened to know from the past, just never bothered to look it up. Here are the nominees...
This fabulous group is known as The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. I've only heard one song byt hem, I think called, "The Impression That I Get". That makes me feel so friggin good-- it's crazy.

This eye catcher is Haddaway. A lot of you may know him as the guy that sings this one song called, "What is Love" and it goes a little something like, "What is love, baby don't hurt me... don't hurt me, no more." It has this cool little Euro funky beat to it; I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but it's really a feel good song. (I sorta hate using that word... makes me feel weird.) A quote by him that made me laugh was, "Black don't crack." And my guess is he was saying black people age well because before he said that quote, he was talking about how he's looked the same since he first came out with the song.

Our next guy, Marc Cohn, I believe his name is came out with this song called "Walking in Memphis". It's a really pretty song; I like it, I don't think you'll find it on youtube though, but you're welcome to try :]

Next, we have Little Jackie. Oh my goodness, I adored her style; still do, and just had to put them in this blog. She's really pretty not to mention, and her hair is oh so fab! If only my hair would poof out like that (I have it in a slicked back pony tail right now because I just washed it and the back is all curly xDD maybe I'll post a picture... :D)
Mark Wahlberg is next up in the 90's hits with his song "Good Vibrations". You all may have seen him in a lot of movies such as The Fighter, and The Other Guys. He's a phenomenal actor, and little did I know it was him he "rapped" the song Good Vibrations. I think it's pretty awe-mazing that he was a rapper, and now he's like this big Hollywood actor.

There are many other songs such as "Steal my Sunshine" by Len, and "Unbelievable" by Emf, and it was just a really awesome time during those years, because for one... that's the Era the most amazing baby was born in! Ahem... Muah? (:

Also, that got me thinking... remember that show Scare-Tatics? What ever happened to that? That was a pretty funny and entertaining show... it helped me out with all the pranks I wanted to do as a child... and did do HAHAHA.

It Just Hit Me.

I had forgotten to talk about the movie who inspired me to be pretty... in Pink. HAHAH Just kidding, it didn't really make me want to wear pink... cause I was already wearing it, but it's just a really good movie (Pretty in Pink) with Molly Ringwald and John Cryer. Ahem, let mee just say, that movie was like a window to my love for the 80's. Honestly, before that, I was never really all that interested in anything lower than the 2000's... not even my own birthday! I sort of had a "crush" on Duckie (John Cryer's character) because he was so cute, and charming; favorite scene was when he was singing to Ottis Redding in the muisic store! That was so AW-dorable!! Hmm... I can't remember how long ago I've seen it... I've seen it more than once... CLEARLY! HAHAHAAA. I effing love that movie, not sure how it skipped my mind. Well, what brought it up is the "Do Something Awards" when I saw John Cryer and they said something about Pretty in Pink... then I got to thinkin... "Oh shizz... I forgot about that!!!!" So there you go. (: p.s. I still watch Two and a Half Men :D too bad for Charlie Sheen :\ but, like I always say, "What can I do?"

Also, this is only my opinion, but facebook has gotten really lame lately. There are so many times where I was so close to deleting my facebook account and calling it a night, but I never did for one reason only. That's the only way my friends can keep in contact with me since my MOTHER has vowed to never give me my phone back. So if I get hired at this one place, you can be sure that I'll be gettin mah phone... fo sho :]

There was something else I was gonna talk about... but it has totally skipped my mind... when I remember, I'll blog! (and you know I will because for some strange reason... this has become my life)

Good Morning!

I sure do post a lot in this blog ahahaha, but that's what it's for, right??

Any who, I did a lot of "soul searching" last night xDD JUST KIDDING. hahaha, sad to say that I haven't really found myself yet, and when I do, you'll know... :]

But on a serious note, I just pulled another all nighter because of my "sleeping" problem. I might have said this already, but I think I may suffer from anxiety-- I'm serious. I don't really feel all that comfortable talking about it unless I know someone is listening (which no one is) so let's skip over that topic. (my mom just left for work and I had to pretend I had just woken up... I only have two hours before she returns because she's doing an extra shift or whatever.)

So, let's get down to business! You all know that one new song that just hit the world, Tonight, tonight by Hot Chelle Rae? Well, I effing love it! It's sorta The Story of My Life right now, and it just makes me happy :] Hmm, the guys are pretty hot... do I sense a new awesome band that I just might fall in love with? The dude with the black hair is pretty darn cute; I have a thing for guys with black hair ;D But enough of them for one night. Allow me to move on to my next topic without your consent (:

Okay, there is this show that I have been watching for about... 2-3 years now called Ghost Adventures, and it's just the best show ever! I love it because it's spooky and awesomely mind-blowing! If I weren't such a chicken, I'd probably beg the shit out of that show and have them take me on one of their adventures xDD ohh yeaah, I can be a pretty annoying begger once given the chance; but I'd never pester MCR... I don't want them thinking I'm a pest (CAUSE IM NOT!)... Off topic... any ways, as I was saying... PLUS! Watching the show has become entertaining because friggin' Zak Bagans is entertaining to watch! I mean, he's not EXTREMLEY "GERARD WAY" HOTT, but he's pretty cute-- so why wouldn't I continue to watch it?
And seriously... who couldn't resist that face??? HAHAHAHA (guy with the black hair btw)

While we're on the subject of "cute guys", let's talk about James Marsden!!! Now THAT guy is pretty EFFIN HOAWT!!! OKay?? Dude, seriously, he should effing marry me. Honestly, I've never been the brown hair blue eyes type, but this guy is the only EFFING exception. Got it? He's beautiful, and completely attractive, not to mention one hell of an actor! He's definately on my "To Meet" list xDD I can't even decide which picture to put up of him because they're all so GORGEOUS! But, since I love funny, cute, and adorable boys, I'll put up the pic that I think is the most adorable (: If you don't think this guy is breath taking, then you're high and I will probably punch you when you're sober. :] kay? Yeah bro, his wife is lucky... if he's married. I haven't really checked out his bio yet cause I'm not completely obsessed... yet... xDD
But I do know he's been in quite a few movies that I have seen, and even in Pretty Little Liars (: btw he made going out with a teacher seem really hott... as long as he's MY teacher... -wink wink- HAHAHAHA just kidding... =.=

Last but not least, I think I'm gonna get a hair cut I haven't had in quite a while. A lot of you may know it as "Nicki Minaj" bangs, or "Asian Girl" bangs, but I just prefer bangs xDD My sister said it frames my face more than my "Scene" bangs do (once again, I prefer bangs) so, I think I'm gonna go with my old bangs. Once I find my USB cord, I shall upload more picturas of MUAH! Until later on, Siyanara (sp?)!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Scissors, meet my black skinnys >:D

So, I've been cutting up my clothes for a while now... without my mother knowing anything about it... she'd kill me. And, I came across a pair of black skinny jeans which have seem to have gotten a bit too tight. ;D or maybe Im just FAT again xD so, I think I'll just go cut em up into shorts so that I may actually bend over in them without the struggle or mooning people with my crack (tmi?). Since I'm a "tights" kind of girl, I do believe I will be wearing my black tights underneath, black combat boots, and a cool grungy tee... hmmm... i had better find my aviator shades if I wanna make this out fit work... OH! I should totally put some "accidental" tears in the shorts!! I'll take a pic whenever I have a chance-- I lost my USB cord for my camera, so now I have to put up money to get another ... but I'm broke. So! It's time to get a job KENYU (one of my many nicknames)

Mi Otha WON xDD (My other one )

This is my other picture, but these styles were a bit "girly" for me. I only posted these because the other websites won't let me save these to my folder D:<

Consider it DONE.

There. I deleted all my other posts from my other blogs and posted them on here. ALSO, I noticed I actually had a COMMENT!!! I feel bad for deleting my blog (photography one) after someone had actually commented on it. But, what can I do? Hopefully, she'll comment on the picture again xDD it was the glass table one which btw is uber amazing so... :P!!! I also have a poem for you peoples out thuuur. :0 (btw, if you steal mah shizz, imma come after you with the LAW!!!) :D


Breathing heavy, lungs giving out

Racing images of the way you were found

Stop the tracks, take a break

Never looked back, but now it’s too late.

Keep it close, keep it sweet

I missed the times when you went deep

Into my thoughts, into my home

I never expected to be so alone.

Glass Table

Our patio table (glass). This is a close up picture of it; I think it looks cool, agreed? Taken by me.

The Sun and the Moon

I took this picture when the sun was setting and the moon was rising. I think I got pretty lucky because honestly, it's not all that easy to get a good picture these days. I know it's kind of blurry, but my shutter speed isn't that fast because I don't have a super fancy camera-- it's 10 mega pixels haha, so once again, please, bear with me. :D Wish I had a Canon instead of Nikon xD

Summer Fun

My cousin Isaac had a bit of an allergy issue during this time, but he still wanted to play in the sprinklers. Now, I know it's not a good idea to play in water in your jeans, but we were all over our Aunt's house, and they didn't have anything else to change into and they didn't want to go in their boxers. So, this is what they wore :D

Okay, I'm the type of girl who will take pictures of just about anything. Now, I have a friend who was taking pictures of another friend with my camera while the other guy was doing Park Core. For those of you who don't know what Park Core is, (I'm not even sure if I understand it all that well) it's something like a sport, I guess, and it's where you run all through a spacious place and do tricks off of walls, dumpsters, and just about anything else. I took a look at the pics, and surprisingly they weren't that bad. So I had to do a little "photo shoot" for myself and decided to get shots of him doing Park Core too. I got some pretty decent shots-- I was proud of myself. But, I have to thank that special person who inspired me to take those shots because I couldn't have done it without him. :] I hope you guys like the pictures-- they weren't easy to shoot since the guys run so friggin' fast >_< teehee :]

I took this picture when I used to go to a certain school where the mascot just so happened to be a wolf. Now, since I am Native American, you all should know that a wolf is a symbolic creature to us. SO! I just had to take a picture. I no longer go to this school anymore which makes me sad, but hey, I'm still a wolf in spirit.

Let it Snow...

I remember taking this picture the day it snowed in Texas. We've gotten more snow than this before, but I just thought that since Global Warming is happening, we might not get another snowy day anytime soon. So this picture will be ancient! Just kidding... haha :)

I'm Just a Cute Geek :)

As you may have noticed, I posted I think four different posts, but that's because I deleted my other blog, "The Cute Geek" and added my posts to this blog. :D
Next, is my photography blog ;o

Nightcrawler :)

Born in Bavaria to the blue-skinned shapeshifting mutant later known as Mystique, Kurt Wagner was shunned at birth due to his having blue skin, pointed ears, fangs, and a long pointed tail. At the time disguised as the Baroness Wagner, Mystique's true identity was revealed after she gave birth to Kurt, and the pair were chased by an angry mob. Fleeing to the nearby falls, Mystique threw the infant Kurt over the edge and fled. Kurt was saved by his natural father, the enigmatic being known as Azazel, and given into the care of Margali Szardos, a sorceress and gypsy queen.

The Amazing Spider-Man trailer
If you click on or copy that link, it will take you to the Marvel Official Website, and on that website and that page from that link is the trailer for the Amazing Spider-Man movie. It's coming out in 2012, but I would like to see it now! It looks really cool, and I can only imagine how the whole thing would look. But, of course, like everything else that's out now, it's probably going to be in 3-D which sort of makes me mad... so it better be worth spending my money-- not that I can do anything if it's not but demote it >:D
I know a lot of people who say, "That movies' gonna be stupid, I wanna watch the the other spider-man," and I'm just like... are you for real?? Of course, there's nothing I can say to them because they're closed minded people... (my brother).

Guy #2-Part One

So, I made this comic a while back, and decided that even though it's pretty lame, I think it's pretty entertaining. But then, just a few seconds ago, I started thinking about how cool it would be if I had a comic based off of me. I'm not sure how I came across this idea, but wouldn't that be pretty cool? So, i think I'm gonna start on a new comic; this time on paper with a pencil and I can guarantee the people will LOVE it. :DD

A New Spiderman?

So, I've recently heard about a new Spiderman. He's Hispanic and African American; it's not something I'm complaining about... I just thought it'd be interesting to talk about.

So, for those of you who don't know... I love Spiderman. I love the comics, I love the movies, I love the whole thing. Now, since Spiderman is dead, they have a "rebirth" of spidey, I guess you could call it. So this new guy has both of his parents, as where Peter Parker didn't. I forgot his name though... all I remember is the last name, Morales. I think this would make a really cool movie; I'd love to see who would play him.

I honestly think that those of you who think this whole bi-racial spiderman sucks shouldn't read comics if you're not gonna be open to new ideas. I'd love to say I have a whole spiderman collection or a Marvel's Comic collection, but I don't. As a matter of fact, I've only owned three comics in my whole life and that was when I was much younger. But that doesn't mean I don't know a thing about comics, because I do. My favorite just so happens to be Spiderman, or the Amazing Spiderman. I'm always open to new ideas, and I think it's really cool to put a mixed guy out there. Although I do believe there shouldn't be much contraversy about it because it's just another comic idea. People should want to promote this because it says the author was clearly not racist. So all you bi-racial spidey haters, please think about that before you get all upset.

I know I jump from one point to the next, but that's because my brain thinks up too many things at once and by the time I'm done typing what I'm saying, I forget what I thought up before-- if that makes sense. Anywho, that was pretty much my point about this new Spiderman. I love the idea, and I can't wait until I get my first copy of this new Morales guy. :)

I Couldn't Help But Comment.

So, I was just on Lola Leon's blog about Material Girls (Kelly Osbourn, Madonna, &Lola have created) and as if by fate, i chose a random blog and read about it... TURNS OUT she said My Chemical Romance is the best band or some shiz like that-- so knowing me, I had to comment, because I just love when I see MCR fans :DD especially if I admire that person-- p.s, i love her fashion very much. She's got A LOT of talent broskis, and I just thought I'd say that :D Oh, and if and WHEN I become famous, you can bet the second person I'll be meeting is Lola-- first person is Gerard Way, duh xDD (im listening to them right now.)Sometimes it's hard to believe she's two years younger than me =.= she looks so much older xDD

Any who, sometimes I kill myself about how much I talk about MCR. Maybe I am so psycho fan like my friends say (IM NOT xDD) I just really appreciate the music. And there are a lot of artists out there, but none measure up to MCR. Usually, when I hear a certain band, they either sound too much like another band I know of, but not these guys. And I know every band is different, but sometimes the sound sounds too much like something else. That's why I really appreciate this band. Now, not like anyone's following me, (but I know somewhere there is at least ONE person reading this) I know all I talk about is MCR. This I know, but if you asked me if I cared, I would say no, because they've helped me through a lot, and I guess you could say I see them as hero's. Which, in a way I do.

I saw this one movie called V for Vendetta for the first time a few days ago, and I only have one word for it. SHIZ KICKIN BALLS BRO! (dont judge me, that's one word in my dictionary) HAHAHA It was really amazing, I loved it. If it would come on TV again, it would really make my day. :] It may have been the fact that the guy was wearing a mask the whole movie that made me want to watch it over and over, or it could just be because I felt terribly bad for him. But I'm gonna go with choice A and B. :D
OH!!!! DUDE. School's about to start in a few days... IM EXCITED. I move a lot, and I'm moving schools again, so it'd be a whole new crowd of people and a whole new environment.
Okay, let me tell you my moving history. in the fifth grade, we moved-i moved schools, sixth grade we moved-i moved schools, ninth grade we moved-i moved schools, sophomore year we moved-i moved schools, junior year (present tense) we moved-now Im moving schools again. Look, I know how it may sound-- "your 17 and only going to the 11th grade?" WELL YES. TYVM. lol, i am. It's not because Im stupid or got held back or anything, its because in the state of texas if your birthdays at the beginning of september you have to start school one year late... which I did. :\ im not complaining though.. I've met some pretty awez-tastic peeps. <-- new word I just invented btw... NO ONE ELSE KNOWS ABOUT IT... (and probably never will since I'm the only one who reads my effing blogs) lmao x] so I guess it's like im talking to myself... does that mean Im skitzo? ;o i hope not x]

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Most Amazing Dream

Call me impatient and obsessed, either or is correct. I had a dream last night that I was at the My Chemical Romance concert; IT WAS AWESOME BTW :DD Yeah, so I needed to just say that because I already told everyone in my household about it :]
And now you know :] anywho, I have a picture here of something I did today that I'm proud of. I was trying to save my other photo, but it wouldn't let me, and it's much better than this one... but oh well... what can I do?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Antic Cafe

REALLY AMAZING JAPANESE BAND. Favorite songs: Cherry Saki Yuuki, Escapism :)
(not my pic bro)

Silenced by Fear

Tonight, I got this sudden urge to draw up something based on my emotions today. I had been meaning to suck up all my fear and tell someone I love that I love them. I wasn't able to, of course... I choked up. So I was silenced by my fears of rejection... although I had a lot to say.

Monday, August 15, 2011

One of the Downers About Summer...

Yes, summer may be fun and all, but just like everything else in this world, there are downers to the fun things in life. I'm sure I'm not the only one when I say my sleeping schedule is off track, because I can't be the only one. I'm serious! I feel like a vampire, which I think is pretty cool, but then again, it's exhausting because you sleep all day long until the sun goes down then awaken at night. The night time doesn't even last that long either, so it feels like I'm sleeping my whole life away, which I probably am. I think it's pretty normal to forget what day it is every now and then, but I honestly have no idea what day it has been for the past two weeks. I'm not even sure if it's even been two weeks. Yes, this is pretty sad, but it's true haha. It's not something I'm proud of considering the fact that school's about to start soon... if I can just figure out when it's about to start. I should probably ask my mom...
Besides my sleeping issue, in September two very important things are happening. One, my seventeenth birthday, and two, the My Chemical Romance and Blink-182 Honda Civic Tour. They're gonna be here, and I need to start preparing to look my best. I was thinking about taking two of my "notorious" friends so we can sneak into the backstage so that I may actually have a chance to meet Gerard Way. That may sound really funny; which it kinda does if you knew me, but it's gonna happen. I'm not sure how we'll do it, but it's gonna happen. Even if I don't meet him, I'll feel accomplished. All I really need is for him to see me; example. Say I'm being drug away from security... Gerard looks up because I'm screaming his name and he sees me. That's enough to say I've met the guy, because in a way, I did. His eyes met mine! Haha!! Btw, I didn't take those pictures, someone else did. :) Just thought I'd put that out there just in case...

What Keeps me Going...

Fall Out Boy has always been a big inspiration to me. I was torn when I found out the band split, because I was a fan. I admired Patrick's voice, and loved the music that followed. I was also a Pete Wentz "lover", so to know that I would most likely never see him with the band again kinda crushed me pretty bad. I still listen to FOB songs all the time, and use Patrick's voice as a substitute to a singing teacher; i guess you could call it that. You see, I've always had this "dream" since I was little that I'd be on stage one day and on your television. I still believe I will be and the more I train my voice, the closer I feel to my destination. Now, I know it'll take a lot of work to getting to where I want to be, but that's why I love doing what I do. There's no fun if there's no challenge-- that's what I always say.
And plus, I have one main reason now for becoming famous... can you guess what it is? I'll have a brighter chance of meeting Gerard Way; do you know how CRAZY that would be? Omfg, that'd be the biggest honor in the world because that man's a GENIUS. Many people think I'm crazy for obsessing over someone I don't even know, but that's not entirely true. I mean, yes, I don't know him like I would if I were his friend of sister, but I know him on a more... what's the word? Musical level, I guess? Lol, I'm not really sure on how to word that right, but hopefully you get my meaning. I know it's so cliche to say, "I understand his music," or, "He speaks to me because we can relate," but truth is, I don't understand his music nor can I 'relate' to him, because honestly... I'm not him nor have I been through all that he has. I don't know what he's seen, I don't know where he's been, and I don't know how he's felt other than what he describes in his songs. Here me out for a second, I know you're all probably wondering why I'm so in love with this guy, right? If I could answer that question, I would. I don't really have a "good" answer at the moment, but all I can say is, I love him for him. I love him because I don't think the fame has changed him. I love him because I love listening to his voice as he sings. I love him because he's Gerard Way. I love him because he doesn't seem to pretend to be something he's not. I love him because even though he's had a rough life all the way to now, he's never once denied his fans or made us feel like crap... not that I know of anyway hahaha. But, I could go on and on saying all the silly reasons why I love him, and why I admire him, and that still wouldn't explain why I'm in love with him. Before, I said, "I don't understand his music..." and, I know him more on a musical level. That may sound confusing, and it does to me, I'll be honest. But allow me to clear that up. When I say I understand him on a more musical level, I'm saying that his music will reach out to you even if you don't want to hear it; listen to the words and you'll find yourself bringing up some earlier emotions; meaning if you were pissed or depressed, My Chemical Romance finds a way to make it all better without doing much, and I find that impressive and just really amazing. So, I'm not saying I know him, but I know a bit about who he is from his music and I love that because it's like getting my own exclusive interview with him... through my head phones haha x] I'm not sure if any of that made sense to you, but if it did, I hope I cleared up the bit of confusion there might have been before. But besides the genius behind his music, allow me to state one more reason why I love him... (: GERARD WAY IS FRIGGIN' HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DD I've always said, "If only I was in high school when he was..." lmao xDD ohhh yeaaaaaaah haha
I seem to have gotten off of track... that always seems to happen when he becomes the topic of discussion. Any who, you'll be seeing me on TV very soon my friends... trust me, I promise. :]

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Starting Now...

Hey there! It's not really the time that is written below my post, it's actually 1:17 a.m. I have nothing better to do with my life at the moment than to sit here and type these very thoughts. I am a poet-- and artist if you will. It's something I do when I need to get something off my chest, and it's something I'll continue to do until the end of my days.
Starting now, I would like to finally appreciate everything that I have, because I have been a pretty spoiled brat in the pass. I guess you could say "by choice", but then again, the human emotions cause you to do the unexpected sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a complete brat-- I'm just a teenager who is trying to find herself. It's really not my fault if you take me the wrong way, or don't get what I say. Sometimes I speak in awkward ways, and that's just something people will have to adjust to if they wanna talk with me, because I'm not changing for anyone.
Maybe one day I'll decide to post one of my poems, but not today because I'm still not up for the whole idea of posting things that are legally mine onto the web. Well any who, this was just a bit of an introduction. Tomorrow begins the tale of my life. :D adios <3